
Mobile Home Park Manifesto eBook

The Essential Guide to MHP Investment, Ownership and Management

The Mobile Home Park Manifesto is a must-have resource for both beginner and experienced mobile home park investors. Buy it on Amazon or download the first chapter for free today!

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Boost Your MHP Knowledge With The Mobile Home Park Manifesto

The path to buying and selling mobile home parks is fraught with potential missteps, bad deals, and an overwhelming amount of due diligence. However, it’s difficult to find truly helpful resources out there that show you step-by-step how to successfully build value, effectively manage a park, and ultimately pull off a great deal.

For those interested in taking the leap and selling or purchasing a mobile home park investment, The Mobile Home Park Manifesto serves as a must-have guide for maximizing your mobile home park profits. Drawing from my experience executing more than 235 transactions over my career with a transactional volume in excess of $250,000,000, I’ll walk you through every step of the acquisition or disposition phase, helping you with everything from learning to leverage the market to evaluating MHP properties confidently and sealing the deal.

To get a taste of what The Mobile Home Park Manifesto has to offer, download the first chapter for free today. Read our privacy policy to see how we handle your data.

Boost Your MHP Knowledge With The Mobile Home Park Manifesto

The path to buying and selling mobile home parks is fraught with potential missteps, bad deals, and an overwhelming amount of due diligence. However, it’s difficult to find truly helpful resources out there that show you step-by-step how to successfully build value, effectively manage a park, and ultimately pull off a great deal.

For those interested in taking the leap and selling or purchasing a mobile home park investment, The Mobile Home Park Manifesto serves as a must-have guide for maximizing your mobile home park profits. Drawing from my experience executing more than 235 transactions over my career with a transactional volume in excess of $250,000,000, I’ll walk you through every step of the acquisition or disposition phase, helping you with everything from learning to leverage the market to evaluating MHP properties confidently and sealing the deal.

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Backed By A Proven Track Record of Success


36 MHP Sales

In 2018, Glenn Esterson brokered 36 Mobile Home Parks, more than any other MHP broker in the south! That’s 19 transactions, more than 2000 total lots, and a closing about every other week.


72% Out of State

Through strategic marketing and vetting of qualified, out-of-state 1031 exchange buyers, 72% of 2018 transactions have been with out-of-state buyers, and 64% of those buyers were 1031 exchanges.


Nearly 10,000 Park Buyers

We’ve generated thousands of free mobile home valuations and helped hundreds of owners get maximum value out of their park through our network of nearly 10,000 park buyers.


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